πŸͺ™Token Voting

Set up an Token-weighted vote directly in Discord.

Before reading below, make sure you have invited the Emerald bot to your Discord server using this link.


/vote token


  1. contractname - The name of the contract

  2. contractaddress - The address of where the contract is deployed

  3. publicpath - The public path of the NFT Collection (ex. If the public path is /public/FLOATCollection, you would input FLOATCollection).

  4. option_1 - The first option users can vote for.

  5. option_2 - The second option users can vote for.

  6. role - the Discord role a citizen must have in order to vote (put @everyone if you want everyone to vote)

  7. title - the title of the vote

  8. description - the description of the vote

  9. hide_results - If true, users must vote in order to see vote results. If false, they can view results at any time.

  10. (OPTIONAL) end_date - Set a date (in UNIX timestamp) for when the vote should automatically end.

  11. (OPTIONAL) options 3 - 6 - Set additional options for users to vote for.

Last updated