🐦Toucans Voting

Set up an Toucan-weighted vote directly in Discord.

Before reading below, make sure you have invited the Emerald bot to your Discord server using this link.

There are two types of voting:

  1. General - start a generic vote (you choose the name & description) where users can vote with your DAO's token.

  2. Action - start a vote that is associated with a treasury action (ex. Withdraw 10.00 $EMLD from the DAO treasury)

Votes created by anyone show up on your DAO's page.

1. General Voting

Start a generic vote (you choose the name & description) where users can vote with your DAO's token.

Generic votes are finished when the creator clicks "Close Vote" on it after creation.


/vote toucans general


  1. projectid - Your DAO's project id. It is the last part of your project's URL. For example, the project id of https://toucans.ecdao.org/p/BallerzFC is BallerzFC

  2. role - the Discord role a citizen must have in order to vote (put @everyone if you want everyone to vote)

  3. title - the title of the vote

  4. description - the description of the vote

  5. (OPTIONAL) lptoken - the multiplier tokens inside a liquidity pool should have. For example, if you want tokens inside a liquidity pool to get 2x voting power, put 2.

Helpful Pictures

2. Action Voting

Start a vote that is associated with a treasury action (ex. Withdraw 10.00 $EMLD from the DAO treasury)

Action votes are finished when the treasury action is accepted/declined by treasury signers. Members of the DAO will see what the final decision was of the treasury signers, as well as the popular vote. So they will know if the signers go against their decision.


/vote toucans action


  1. projectid - Your DAO's project id. It is the last part of your project's URL. For example, the project id of https://toucans.ecdao.org/p/BallerzFC is BallerzFC

  2. role - the Discord role a citizen must have in order to vote (put @everyone if you want everyone to vote)

  3. actionid - this is the action's id. To find the action's id, go to the Admin Dashboard > Actions Queue > The action you want to create a vote for. For further help finding it, check out the 1st "Helpful Picture" below.

  4. (OPTIONAL) lptoken - the multiplier tokens inside a liquidity pool should have. For example, if you want tokens inside a liquidity pool to get 2x voting power, put 2.

Helpful Pictures

Last updated